Dạy trẻ tiếng anh từ 3-9 tuổi

  • 03/04/2019
  • 280573 (Bình luận)


Date Topic New words Sentence/ commands Common sentences Games Song/ video Stories
Sep 2020 Back to School Book, chair, cryon, desk, note, pencil, rubber, ruler What is this?
It is a rulerWhat is your name?My name is Tuan
May I go out?/ May I come in?

Yes, please

Sit down, please/ stand up please/ hand up, please

Games will be prepared by teacher.  School song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1zf1mnFK_4 Stories will be prepared by teacher.
Oct 2020 Body Head, eye nose, mouth, ear, arm, shoulder, hand, foot, leg What is this?

This is my hand

How old are you?

I’m four years old

Games will be prepared by teacher. Song:


Nov 2020 Family Dad, Mom, Brother, grandma, grandfa, sister, baby, doll, dog Who is this?

This is my mom

I love you, mom, Dad

I love mom, too

Sit down, please,

Stand up, please

Hand up, please

Quiet, please,

Listen, please/ listen to me

Games will be prepared by teacher. Song:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAUOpnhbuiU ;


Dec 2020 Jobs Doctor, Driver, Farmer, Nurse, Pilot, Tailor, Teacher, Worker What is your jobs?

He’s a worker


Could you please take me a cup of water?

Do you like your teacher?

Games will be prepared by teacher. Sing its my job
Jan 2021 Animals Zoo, Amusement Park, bat, bird, cat, dog, parrot, dolphin, elephant, horse, monkey, snake, tiger, pig, puppy, cows What is this?

It’s a snake


Where do you want to go?

I want go to the zoo

What animal do you like? I like cat

Games will be prepared by teacher. Let’s go to the zoo
Feb 2021 Fruits Apple, banana, strawberry, orange, lemon, pineapple, plum, grapefruit, pear, melon, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, potato, pumpkin What is it?

It is a banana

What fruit do you like?

I like an apple

What fruit do you like?

I like an apple

Would you like to another pear?

Yes, thanks you

Which is your favorite fruit?

I want some or  ecx cvnjjhbanges

Games will be prepared by teacher. Song: fruit song


Mar 2021 Transportation Ambulance, bike, boat, car, plane, train, ship, truck, bus, bus station What is it?

It is a car

Could you buy a bike for me?

Yes, of course

Games will be prepared by teacher. Song: transportation song


Apr 2021 Season Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, windy, snowy, sunny, rainy, rainbow, Ice, sunshine, srorm What’s your favourite season? I like summer Do you want to sing a song?

Yes, I do/ No I don’t

What’s the weather like?

It’s windy

Games will be prepared by teacher. Song: Seasons song


May 2021 My country City, country, river, hotel, mountain, pond, sea, street, lake, restaurant What is it?

It’s a river, pond

Where do you want to go?

I want to climb mountain

Games will be prepared by teacher. Song: Red river valley


Jun 2021 Primary school Computer, calculator, speaker, mouse, keyboard, the first floor, second floor, third floor, stapler, pencil sharpener, calendar, alphabet What is it?

It is a computer

What grade are you study?

I study the grade 1

Do you know play football?

Yes, I do

Games will be prepared by teacher Song: School song



Jul 2021 Food & Drink Cabbage, cheese, carrot, Meat, fish, rice, bread, water, milk, yogurt What is this?
It is a….How are you?I’m fine. Thank you
I am hungry,

I am thirsty

Do you like apple?

Yes, I am/ No, I don’t

Games will be prepared by teacher. The food song


Aug 2021 The calendar/Number January, February, march, april, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, one, to ten


What is the day?

It is Monday

What number is it?

It’s number nine

What is the date today?

It is the fourth of February

Games will be prepared by teacher. Song: days of the week



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